

Having a support person or labor coach with you during labor can be a great comfort and source of positivity and calm. The following is a list of suggestions for how your labor coach can help you – it’s a good idea to look at this list together and talk about what you would and wouldn’t welcome during this emotional time.

“We see labor coaches as a great resource,” says Patti Valentini, our director of birthing services. “A mother’s support person not only helps our nurses decrease the physical discomforts of labor, he or she adds an extra layer of nurturing by providing additional companionship and emotional support throughout the magical process we call birth.”


A labor coach may be a part of many preparatory activities, which can include:

  • Attending Baby University classes and a Birthing Center tour
  • Ensuring the baby car seat is installed in the car you’ll take home from the hospital
  • 为住院时间打包(洗漱用品), 舒适的换洗衣服, lollipops/mints/hard candies to alleviate mom’s dry mouth, other personal touches that will comfort and relax mom)

“The only other thing coaches need is coffee,” says Valentini. “And we are happy to provide them with as much of that as needed!”

阅读更多: 你的妇产医院包清单


Early labor can be filled with happiness and excitement but can also come with some anxiety. 作为一名劳动教练,你可以:

  • Time contractions and record the time between so progress can be shared with your OBGYN and Birthing Center staff
  • 和她一起散步
  • Involve her in light activities, like watching a movie, playing a game or reading
  • 和妈妈一起休息,节省体力
  • 准备清淡的小吃, and bring her drinks of water or non-acidic juices (as discussed with your OBGYN)
  • 通知必要的人员劳动已经开始, this may include canceling obligations and/or making pet or childcare arrangements

积极劳动 & 过渡

一旦妈妈的宫缩变得更强烈, your role may increase as she needs help using comfort techniques and finding what works best for her.

“如果你被要求离开房间,不要担心. We ask all non-clinical staff to leave when an epidural is being administered,” says Valentini. “We do this to keep mom safe by eliminating any distractions or disruptions so mom can focus on what she needs to do and the entire care team can focus on her.”

  • If a position or technique seems to be losing its effect. You may need to suggest a new position or another technique to try.
  • 帮助她换不同的体位, 像站, 蹲, 手和膝盖, 跪着, 坐着和侧卧
  • 帮助她移动, 比如走路, 爬楼梯, 慢舞, 使用分娩球和骨盆摇摆
  • Get face-to-face with her to give brief instructions if she loses focus (this can be a good time for a mint)
  • Breathe with her through contractions and maybe count out loud
  • Guide her in visualization exercises that focus on the baby or special memories that you’ve shared 
  • Be supportive of the sounds she needs to make during labor. Higher-pitched cries could be a sign that she is feeling out of control and needs focus
  • Provide relief and comfort techniques for nausea, 比如给她冰块, applying a cold cloth to her forehead Massage her back, 脖子, abdomen or other parts of her body in a way that feels good to her
  • 帮她洗澡
  • Provide emotional encouragement, letting her know how well she is doing
  • Even if she has an epidural and isn’t feeling pain, stay engaged in the process as she still needs your emotional support)


No woman’s labor is the same, they aren’t even the same from one child to the next. If labor is taking a long time, there are several things to you can do to assist: 

  • Continue to help her change techniques and positions
  • Offer to change the atmosphere by dimming the lights or playing music, or suggest leaving the labor room together and go for a walk around the Birthing Center
  • 休息(劳动教练也需要休息, you may want to plan for a backup support person who can come in while you take a breather or grab something to eat)
  • Help mom stay hydrated and nourished as allowed by your OBGYN and nurses
  • Don’t forget to eat if you’re hungry and drink water so you will have the energy to provide good labor support

阅读更多: 特快专递-期待什么


As the baby’s entrance into the world draws near, there are a few other things that a labor coach can do:

  • Continue helping mom with different positions (蹲 with a bar, semi-sitting, 手和膝盖, 侧躺, 前瞻性)
  • Continue to provide emotional encouragement, letting her know she’s almost there
  • Help her see her progress using a mirror or letting her know when you can see the baby’s head
  • Hold a cool cloth to her forehead in between pushes
  • 给她冰块或小口水

需要澳门永利在线赌场移动官网帮助来准备? 报名参加宝宝大学课程!

  • 孩子基础知识 — Ease your transition from hospital to home by learning about how to bond with your baby, 婴儿的暗示和典型的新生儿行为, 喂养, 换尿布的, 洗澡和护肤小贴士, 包皮环切术的信息, 睡眠和汽车座椅安全, 还有更多!
  • 准备分娩 -了解不同的分娩方法, stages of labor and what to expect in the hospital labor room, as well as pain management techniques and how your labor coach can help support you.
  • 母乳喂养 — Take the guesswork and anxiety out of breast喂养 by learning about the skill of latching the baby onto the breast.

